Welcome to your Wellness Journey!

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Wellness is an always present changing journey. It encourages you to look at your actions, your words, and your commitments to creating a better self and a happier life. But why is it so damn challenging at times?! The truth is simple- HABIT! What we do day in and day out creates habitual rhythms that our bodies adjust and adapt too. So the same muscles that we need to sit and eat a bag of chips are the same muscles we need to work out or go for a run! Creating habitual habits allows us to change, grow, and develop healthier routines. Of course, these routines change as we adapt and adjust our life paths- our environments and even our social circles but the core of who we are will always remain the same. So how to harness that inner healing teacher within us is truly about inviting the muscle to start working. That way we will have a life long understanding of what it is we are wanting to create and do. I hope to inspire you to create healthier habits, changes, and progress in your life that you’re excited about!

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