Creating Balancing Meals

Often a wellness trend to be discussed. Balanced meals and creating healing recipes has been something I’ve always aspired to create for myself. But- what doe it truly mean? A balanced meal? Some may think if all of my food can fit on my plate -its balanced! But- what I am suggesting is far from that.

Balancing meals looks at dense nutrients and what is essential that your body might be lacking. Often times, I hear from clients and family members of being tired. How can we create a solution to being tired? Is it from the food we are not eating? Is it from the nutrients our body is lacking and are we needing more nourishment that we didn’t realize we were depleted of?

Finding a balanced ratio of phytonutrients is ideally where you would want to start. Considering how many dense green vegetables your getting into your diet is vital. The reason being is dense nutrient-rich veggies offer cancer fighting compounds, antioxidants, and iron. They allow the body to create new healthy cells, generate more blood and oxygen-rich nutrients into the body feeding your bones, cells, and skin and organ systems. This is a key factor in being able to generate positive, stable energy within the body.

Getting your Greens in.

Can at times be tricky not to mention when you have picky eaters or people who prefer steak and potatoes! Finding easy solutions to getting greens into your smoothies, lunches, and dinners is an easy start if you’re ready to make the changes. Let’s start at breakfast, you can, of course, add greens into a smoothie. But let’s get a bit more creative with it! Consider eating a green savory parfait loaded with kale, spinach and rainbow chard. For lunch consider having a green soup as a side or a tossed salad or quinoa bowl with sauteed greens. Consider swapping out home fries for sauteed spinach when eating your main protein at night. Small changes long term will help the liver, gallbladder, and pancreas having more insulin and phytonutrients absorbed to create a more healing gut and longterm lifestyle.

Every 35 days, your skin replaces itself. Your liver, about a month. Your body makes these new cells from the food you eat. What you eat literally becomes you. You have a choice in what youโ€™re made of. You are what you eat.

Consider the statement above as a point of change. From this day forwrd you are invited to create a new you! A new energized spirit, embracing energy and a wellness-focused mindset that will help you feel empowered moving forward.


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