5 Reasons Why I love Zinc

We have all heard a lot about Zinc lately in the media and how great it is for the immune system, but what other benefits does it have? I have been using Zinc for awhile and also been recommending it to some of my clients and here is why:

  1. Helps regulate the bodyโ€™s immune system– Yes letโ€™s get it out of the way, Zinc is great to boost your immune system! It helps your body protect itself against many viruses and bacteria.
  2. Promotes in wound healing– It helps with many processes involved in the wound healing to help your body repair itself.
  3. Aids in pregnancy– Zinc actually helps women to regulate certain hormones which can aid in fertility.
  4. Great Antioxidant– Zinc is a master antioxidant and ant inflammatory to help tons of processes in the body!
  5. Supports Muscle Growth– If you working on building muscle, Zinc is a great supplement for you to take. It helps to build and repair muscles after a workout.

Though you can get Zinc in foods such as dark leafy greens I always suggest taking it in a liquid form which is more bio available for your body to absorb. I personally love the brand Vimergy which you can purchase here.

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